Wednesday, May 1, 2024
Readers are recommended to first read following related posts: What Are Major Forms of Commercial Presence in Vietnam? Representative Offices in Vietnam: Main Functions, What They Can Do and What Cannot *** Is it easy and straightforward to obtain a license...
Please first read this post What Are Major Forms of Commercial Presence in Vietnam? to understand major forms of commercial presences available in Vietnam as well as their pros and cons. Related post: Representative Offices in Vietnam: Licensing Process, Tax Issues and Other Considerations *** For...
This post is intended to address the question of how a typical acquisition of a Vietnamese startup takes place in practice. From a deal structure’s perspective, an investment in local startups by foreign investors (e.g. - funds, foreign companies) can...
Very often, while most foreign investors should have a general idea on how to invest in Vietnam, some, as I experienced, simply do not.  Even so, there should be no harm if we take a closer and deeper look...
Last week, I met a startup’s CEO and was questioned about how to get rid of a troublesome shareholder (also an employee) in his company. From an employment relationship … His question reminds me of my earlier days at a local...



